ZF Propellers

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ZF Propellers

Propellers for Speed & Performance
ZF Marine specializes in custom designed and standard propellers using CAD-CAM technology. Whether your vessels are yachts, commercial vessels, ferries, military vessel, patrol crafts, work boats or fishing boats, custom made propellers from ZF Marine offers you more choice and flexibility in design to achieve the optimum propulsion system. Careful design and selection of the propeller series with expanded area ratio can lead to better speed and performance. This is the expertise of ZF Marine!

Custom Design & Manufacture for Ultimate Efficiency & Design Flexibility
The CAD-CAM system permits a wider selection in number of blades, diameter, pitch, expanded area ratio, propeller series, foil sections and other geometry features such as skew, rake, cupped and blade section thickness. The propellers can be precisely designed to meet your exact requirements. Propellers with the same diameter, pitch and series can be customized for different blades thickness and for different strength requirements. This results in propellers with optimum efficiency. Horsepower is expensive, but efficiency is not. --- With ZF Marine propellers!

High Precision for Quality and Smoothness
All ZF Marine propellers are NC (Numerical Control) machined to very high accuracy. The special blade machining center is integrated with the CAD-CAM software. High precision, NCmachining minimizes cavitation and excitation forces and dynamic balancing provides extra smoothness at high speeds. This also results in lower levels of noise and vibration, even with high power engines. You can rely on ZF Marine propellers! 


ZF For all Applications

Pleasure Craft Applications
The ZF Marine fixed pitch propeller range covers a wide variety of pleasure craft including ski-boats, sport fish, cruisers and luxury motor yachts. They are ideally suited to the complete propulsion packages offered by ZF Marine.

Many different propeller designs are available for precise matching to the characteristics of each vessel, ensuring best performance, silent operation and optimum fuel efficiency. Propellers from ZF Marine allow smooth cruising during leisure time.

Fast Craft Applications
Fixed pitch propellers for fast craft applications such as customs and coastguard vessels, as well as fast ferries, are specially designed to match to the high performance needs as defined by ship design engineers and naval architects.

These products are subject to the highest quality control regulations to meet stringent environmental and technical specifications where safety, availability and reliability are of the utmost importance. This ensures the operating profiles of these vessels can be fully satisfied.

Commercial Craft Applications
ZF Marine also supplies fixed pitch propellers which are robustly built to achieve high reliability throughout the long life of commercial vessels. Such ships are required to operate continuously in the most demanding weather conditions.

These heavy duty propellers are suitable for all types of vessels from tugs to tankers – fishing boats to factory ships. Many models are available, perfectly engineered and integrated with the complete propulsion system to meet the customer’s exact requirements.


• Ski-boats
• Sport fish
• Cruisers
• Luxury motor yachts
• Coastguard vessels
• Fast ferries
• Tugs
• Fishing boats
• Factory ships


ZF Design adn Manufacturing

Design engineers of ZF Marine work closely with the customers and provide full technical support and advice. This service also extends outside the offices to our experienced field technicians. Throughout the project phase, design phase and after sales, ZF Marine offers excellent customer support.

High quality bronze alloys, carefully chosen with the exact composition to meet Classification Society requirements, are used for casting ZF Marine propellers. The chemical composition and physical properties are precisely controlled and tested for each cast.

CAD System
The Computer Aided Design system ensures every propeller is designed for optimum performance. This leading edge software permits more selection and flexibility to meet all customers’ requirements.

CAM System
The Computer Aided Manufacturing systems generate a precise cutting tool path for propeller machining. Every detail of the manufacturing process is simulated and checked before cutting commences.

NC Cutting
Numerical Control machining of propeller blades ensures high precision blade section geometry and the 4-axis machine center system is integrated with the CAD – CAM software. This leading edge technology production assures propeller manufacture to the highest geometrical tolerances required by the ISO R484 Class S standard.

New Series Development
ZF Marine also has joint venture programs with various research establishments to develop advanced technology propulsion system. Latest research includes a new surface – piercing propeller and new-foil section series propeller with excellent low cavitation characteristics.

Quality Control- Accuracy means efficiency and reliability

Strength Test
ZF Marine continuously checks for the best quality casting in propellers. The well equipped laboratories precisely control the physical and this experience leads to continuous improvement of quality.

Dynamic Test
All propellers are dynamically balanced to ensure smooth operation. This dynamic balancing considerably reduces noise and vibration in high – speed vessels.



ZF Propellers



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